Audio practices by Amanda McMaine are non-scripted, inner journeys focusing on the union between body, mind, and breath. These downloadable practices allow you to take Amanda's transformative instruction with you wherever you go. Add them to your phone, tablet, or computer to deepen your self-inquiry.
NEW! Video & Audio Class Recordings
Enjoy Amanda’s refreshing, studio yoga classes with these video downloads. These precise & gentle, moving meditations in combination with her more than 42 years of experience 'on the mat' create the freedom to experience calm and inner peace in the comfort of your own home.
Interested in practicing, online LIVE with Amanda during the month of May via Zoom? Click HERE to register for a class today.
Video Classes
A 180-minute, therapeutic yoga workshop.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice is a somatic exploration to increase the mind/body connection and fluid strength. Poses focus on the functional movement of walking and myofascial lines and include healthy spinal twists, bound-angle pose, table top and reverse table top, cobra variations, and downward-facing dog.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, and two blocks
A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
This 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice uses a smooth blend of pranayama & beautiful core integrating and strengthening poses for a deeply embodied and grounded state of awareness. Poses focus on knee health and the functional movement of walking and include constructive rest pose, bridge, and plank.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, and an eye pillow
This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice awakens your deep core and releases the spine to reconnect you with the easy flow of life.
PROPS: Yoga mat, three blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on increasing vagal tone through breath, sound, and perception (using exteroception, proprioception, & interoception) and on increasing the mind/heart/gut connection. Poses include constructive rest pose, crocodile, table top, cobra & plank variations, and warrior III.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, and two blocks
A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on myofascial lines as well as releasing & opening the 4 major diaphragms in the body for deep core support and integration. Poses include warrior II, chair, and constructive rest with an emphasis on the psoas and bandhas.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice accesses the power of the inner felt sense to activate the strength of the subtle body. Poses focus on healthy lungs, shoulder stability, balance, and lengthening the hamstrings.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, and two blocks
A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice grounds and restores balance to the body, mind, and spirit. Poses focus on opening the front of the shoulder girdle, strengthening and lengthening the QL and low back, and rooting through the psoas and the deep core muscles.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on gentle and nourishing movements to calm and support. Poses focus on releasing the psoas and pelvic floor, shoulder stability, balance, and core strength.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, a strap, and two blocks
A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on neck and shoulder alignment, opening the front of the hips, and strengthening the deep core muscles through an interoceptive and grounding practice. Poses include warrior I, seated forward fold, plank, and child’s pose with an emphasis on shoulder stability and lengthening the psoas.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
Audio Classes
AUDIO VERSION: This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice awakens your deep core and releases the spine to reconnect you with the easy flow of life.
PROPS: Yoga mat, three blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
AUDIO VERSION: This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on increasing vagal tone through breath, sound, and perception (using exteroception, proprioception, & interoception) and on increasing the mind/heart/gut connection. Poses include constructive rest pose, crocodile, table top, cobra & plank variations, and warrior III.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, and two blocks
AUDIO VERSION: A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on myofascial lines as well as releasing & opening the 4 major diaphragms in the body for deep core support and integration. Poses include warrior II, chair, and constructive rest with an emphasis on the psoas and bandhas.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
AUDIO VERSION: This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice accesses the power of the inner felt sense to activate the strength of the subtle body. Poses focus on healthy lungs, shoulder stability, balance, and lengthening the hamstrings.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, and two blocks
AUDIO VERSION: A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
AUDIO VERSION: A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice grounds and restores balance to the body, mind, and spirit. Poses focus on opening the front of the shoulder girdle, strengthening and lengthening the QL and low back, and rooting through the psoas and the deep core muscles.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
AUDIO VERSION: This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on gentle and nourishing movements to calm and support. Poses focus on releasing the psoas and pelvic floor, shoulder stability, balance, and core strength.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, and two blocks
AUDIO VERSION: A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
AUDIO VERSION: A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice focuses on neck and shoulder alignment, opening the front of the hips, and strengthening the deep core muscles through an interoceptive and grounding practice. Poses include warrior I, seated forward fold, plank, and child’s pose with an emphasis on shoulder stability and lengthening the psoas.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
AUDIO VERSION: This 120-minute, therapeutic yoga practice is a somatic exploration to increase the mind/body connection and fluid strength. Poses focus on the functional movement of walking and myofascial lines and include healthy spinal twists, bound-angle pose, table top and reverse table top, cobra variations, and downward-facing dog.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, and two blocks
AUDIO VERSION: A 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, eye pillow, and a strap
AUDIO VERSION: This 90-minute, therapeutic yoga practice uses a smooth blend of pranayama & beautiful core integrating and strengthening poses for a deeply embodied and grounded state of awareness. Poses focus on knee health and the functional movement of walking and include constructive rest pose, bridge, and plank.
PROPS: Yoga mat, four blankets, two blocks, and an eye pillow
Foundations: Yoga Asana and Nidra Practice
The primary focus of this asana practice is on the foundational movements and techniques that govern the mobility, stability, and health of all parts of the body, with particular attention to the joints.
A significant emphasis of this movement journey is on the breath — beginning in stillness with a simple awareness of the breath and continuing with an exploration of how breath informs and supports our poses as well as our daily activities, supported by an integrated core.
Sure to leave you feeling strong, open, and focused. A real favorite with beginners and experienced practitioners alike!
Foundations: Complete Set ($26)
Combine and save! The complete set includes both the Yoga Asana and Nidra Foundations practices.
PROPS: Yoga mat, three blankets, two blocks, and a strap
Foundations: Yoga Asana ($16)
This 70-minute asana practice uses your breath to take you deep within yourself on a journey that is both meditative and strengthening.
PROPS: Yoga mat, three blankets, two blocks, and a strap
Foundations: Yoga Nidra ($16)
This 35-minute, non-scripted, iRest-based yoga nidra fluidly guides you into profound relaxation and restoration through experiencing the perfection of this moment.
PROPS: Yoga mat and three blankets
Additional Favorites from Amanda
A Women’s Practice ($16)
This practice is done on the floor with an emphasis on awakening the core strength, balancing the SI joints, and bringing a deep sense of strength and freedom to the spine.
PROPS: Yoga mat, three blankets, and two blocks
Fluid Strength ($16)
This practice includes breath meditation, asana practice, and savasana. Designed to encourage the development of core strength that is both fluid and deeply supportive.
PROPS: Yoga mat, three blankets, and two blocks
Illuminating the Core ($16)
This rejuvenating practice begins with a breathing meditation, followed by an inspiring series of asanas, and ends with a blissful relaxation. The three tracks may be used together or individually.
PROPS: Yoga mat, three blankets, two blocks, and a strap
“The Illuminating the Core: Yoga with Amanda McMaine CD provides some remarkable instruction. The cover photo, which shows Amanda McMaine in profile in a beautiful Bow Pose variation, should have tipped me off right away: It’s a pose that only serious practitioners and Cirque du Soleil performers can easily accomplish. But if you think this is another shoot-‘em-up Power Yoga trip, think again. The pace is extremely slow throughout—excruciatingly so if you’re a fan of straight-forward doing rather than achieving subtle understanding.
The first track — which is the longest, at 28 minutes — includes a six-minute seated breathing meditation; a 10-minute reclining warm-up stretch for the hips, torso, and shoulders; and another 10-minute exercise series that moves from a reclining Mountain Pose to Bridge. Next comes an 18-minute asana track — but again, expect quality, not quantity. The session begins with the practitioner on hands and knees, then moves to Downward-Facing Dog, Standing Forward Bend, Mountain, a lunge, and Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend — remember, all of this takes almost 20 minutes. Finally, track 3, which is again 18 minutes long, offers instructions for a seated twist, supported Child’s Pose, and relaxation.
This entire practice is essentially an intense meditation on breath and its relationship to what McMaine calls the “fluid body” — a vision of the body as supremely malleable, not only physically but energetically. With her nurturing voice and mantra-like reminders to “root to rise” — as B.K.S. Iyengar says, you must go down before you can go up — McMaine emphasizes physical symmetry and the integration and coordination of normally fragmented parts or areas of the body. This is one of the most useful and inspiring CD presentations I’ve heard in a long time, appropriate for thinking students of all levels. ”